This juicy, herb-roasted chicken recipe from Esperanza, Auberge Resorts Collection is basic but delicious.
Wood-Fired, Oven Herb-Roasted Chicken (makes 4 servings)
- 1 whole chicken, organic
- 100 gr onion, roughly chopped
- 100 gr celery, roughly chopped
- 100 gr carrot, roughly chopped
- 200 gr mix herbs, finely chopped
- 300 gr high quality butter
- zest of 2 oranges
- zest of 2 lemons
- zest of 2 limes

Directions: Make sure chicken is clean and very dry. In a large bowl, soften the butter and add all the citrus zest, chopped herbs and season heavily with salt and pepper.
Using your hands, massage the chicken with the butter mix, making sure to get a good amount between the chicken skin and the flesh.
Season the inner carcass of the chicken and fill the cavity with the remaining stems of the herbs used.
Arrange a baking tray by laying the chopped onion, celery, carrot and stems at the bottom with 750 ml of water. Lay a baking rack in a matter that the chicken is not in contact with the liquid.
Cover with parchment paper and aluminum foil. Bake at 180-degrees celsius until cooked
Uncover the chicken and bake at 200-degress celsius until skin is golden brown.