For a fruity twist on poolside sips, whip up one of these three gin cocktails using Beefeater Pink, the brand’s new strawberry gin.

Pink & Tonic
- 50 ml Beefeater Pink
- 150 ml Tonic water
- Fresh halved strawberries
Directions: Build ingredients in glass over cubed ice and gently stir to combine.

Pink Collins
- 35 ml Beefeater Pink
- 15 ml Crème de fraise
- 25 ml Lemon juice
- 10 ml Gomme
- Soda
Directions: Shake first four ingredients in shaker over cubed ice and strain into glass over cubed ice. Top with soda and stir to combine.

Beefeater Pink Float
- Two balls of lemon sorbet (must not be creamy)
- 50 ml Beefeater Pink
- 50 ml Fresh ruby grapefruit juice
- 50 ml Tonic water
- Ruby grapefruit slice
Directions: Decorate with strawberry popping candy on rim. Place the lemon sorbet scoops in a glass. Pour in the gin and grapefruit juice, then top with tonic water. Add a quarter slice of ruby grapefruit to the rim.