DIY Piñata From Chileno Bay Resort & Residences

In Los Cabos, Play by

In need of new activities to keep your kids entertained? Combine culture, crafts and family time with this easy piñata recipe from Chileno Bay Resort &Residences in Los Cabos, as part of the new #AubergeAtHome series. Experience the new activity plus many more by following the #AubergeAtHome hashtag on Instagram.

Piñata (makes 1)

  • Cardboard
  • Tissue paper or recycled paper
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Markers
  • Ruler
  • Cutter
  • Glue gun
  • Glue

Directions: Using the cardboard and markers, trace an outline of the ruler (width of 5 cm) and two medium circles. For the circles, using a plate would be best.

Cut the tracings of the ruler and plates using the scissors.

Secure the ruler piece between the two circles using hot glue, leaving a space to fill with candy.

Use tape to secure the circular pieces with tape.

Fill the piñata with candy and tissue paper. Enjoy!

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