Ana has always felt passion for the art of acting, and her talent has made her perform all over the world from Mexico City to New York and Edinburgh. She completed her acting education at the Atlantic Acting School in New York City, and since then, has been part of many important productions that include theatre and TV. Her latest performance in the play “Indecente” earned her first Metro Award in the category “Best Actress”
Ana has demonstrated that her talent knows no limits by managing to transform herself into so many different characters that vary not only in age or circumstances but also in periods of time, and has performed them seamlessly, making it look effortless to perform on stage for more than 3 hours while making the audience experiencing an ocean of emotions. Ana’s beautiful voice has also accompanied some of her performances. Her dedication to each and every one of her projects is duly noted every time she steps on stage, making it impossible not to notice the hard work and involvement she has in each one of them. Currently, you can see her perform in “Duda, una parábola” under José Sampedro’s direction until June 10 at Foro Shakespeare every Monday at 20:30 p.m.
Name: Ana Guzmán Quintero
Facebook: Ana Guzmán Quintero
Instagram: @anaguq
Title: actress, producer, ocasional singer
I’m currently working on... saying no, enjoying rest without guilt. Also… playing Sister James in Doubt, a parable by John Patrick Shanley, Mondays 8:30 pm @ Foro Shakespeare.
Always… follow your first instinct
Never... wake me up. I get grouchy when someone wakes me up, sorry.
Favorite quote... “Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.” -Ray A. Davies
Biggest dream… flying or riding an Orca
My pet peeve… people chewing gum
If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be? It’s gotta be Meryl Streep
I can’t leave my house with out… my essential oils
My worst fear… ¿death?
Fun fact about you: I absolutely loathe chewing gum. I’ve had nightmares about it.
What is your favorite character you’ve played? HARD QUESTION. probably all the characters I had to play in Indecent by Paula Vogue.
What has been the most challenging character? Nawal Marwan in Scorched by Wajdi Mouawad. Her life span in the play goes from 14- 65 years old.
Why do you prefer theater over other acting disciplines? I love acting in all forms. But theatre acting is very special because it is the art of presence. You get to be, live and breathe with the others (actors, technicians and audience members) right then as the “thing” is happening. And that exchange can be absolutely thrilling, terrifying and in the best case magical and transformative.

Pictures by: Alberto Hidalgo.